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Managing the Disposal of Local Government Records


Course Details:

Duration: 1 day

Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm (approximately)

Cost: $345 (incl. GST) per person

Mode: In class

Class size: 20 (max)

Lunch and refreshments: Provided

Participant’s workbook: Provided






In the Premier’s Memorandum M2007-08 Efficient and Cost Effective Management of Records, it was stated that managing retention and disposal of agency records is a key component to ensuring that “the business of government and the delivery of services are supported by the efficient and effective management of government records in all forms.”

To assist local government to systematically implement retention and disposal authorities and ensure compliance with government policy and the State Records Act 1998, Siller Systems Administration (SSA) is providing training in Managing the Disposal of Local Government Records.



This course provides participants with information and guidance on how to understand and apply the general retention and disposal authority for local government records. Focusing on General Authority 39 (GA39), this includes understanding how to implement disposal actions to ensure records are stored, retained, transferred and/or destroyed in accordance with legal and government policy requirements, and best practice. Participants will take part in discussions and practical exercises to facilitate learning and reinforce understanding of disposal processes and requirements.


Course Outcomes

By the end of this course participants should be able to understand and apply the fundamental elements and processes associated with the proper disposal of records, including:

  • ensuring the accountable disposal of local government records


  • interpreting and using GA39 to sentence and cull records


  • managing the appropriate storage of records throughout their lifecycle


  • transferring records to temporary or archival storage


  • managing the destruction of records.


Learner Profile

This course is designed for people working in local government whose work involves using the general retention and disposal authority of local government records (GA39) to sentence records and implement subsequent disposal actions.


Course Content (summary)

  • Understanding disposal and disposal authorities, including:

    • a review of the legislative and policy environment for records disposal

    • managing ‘legal’ disposal

    • review of different ‘types’ of disposal authorities used.


  • Understanding and using the General Retention and Disposal Authority: Local Government Records (GA39), including:

    • familiarisation with the structure, layout and components of GA39

    • interpreting and understanding disposal classes, actions and triggers.


  • Sentencing and culling records, including:

    • sentencing and culling steps

    • sentencing digital records, challenges and opportunities for automation

    • troubleshooting common sentencing issues

    • using GA39 to sentence records.


  • Managing the disposal of facilitative, duplicate or copied records, including:

    • understanding and interpreting Normal Administrative Practice (NAP) requirements

    • implementing General Authority 45 for original records that have been copied (e.g. scanned records).


  • Implementing disposal actions, including:

    • appropriate storage of records throughout their lifecycle

    • transferring records to temporary offsite/offline storage

    • transferring records to archival storage

    • managing the accountable destruction of records.

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