Government Grants
Documents relating to $250 million in government grants allegedly destroyed https://www.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/former-nsw-auditor-genera...

US National Archives Mistake
The US National Archives have admitted to modifying images from a 2017 anti-government protest march: https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-...

AFP Raids and Recordkeeping
The recent AFP raids at the ABC may also have a relation to recordkeeping and the Archives act. One reporter noted "In fact, the warrant...
NSW Government criticised after hundreds of medical files found abandoned in derelict aged care buil
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-03/nsw-government-criticised-for-medical-file-privacy-breach/10068038 #informationaccess #records...

Cloud Passports
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is considering “cloud” passports, which she assures us would be “grounded in absolute security”....

Hillary Clinton Caught Out with Email and Recordkeeping
We see it all the time in our profession, but it makes the headlines when it happens to a would-be president of the US....

Telecommunications Interception Act
The festive season has given me a chance to catch up on Serial (http://serialpodcast.org/), the hit podcast produced by This American...

Sony Hack
“Another stark reminder of our information (non) privacy/confidentiality times: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/the-...

Royal Commission Findings
The findings of the royal commission into the former Labor government's home insulation program have been released....

'Big Data' - just lots of information?
As the ‘big data’ phenomenon is upon us, I thought it timely to consider what people actually mean when they talk about ‘big data’. Is...